Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hornblower: The year is 1793, and it's raining

Back in college, me and my three best mates reveled (and giggled) in the wonderful glory of the Horatio Hornblower series A&E released. I confess, even as a librarian, to watching the movies before reading the books.


Yes, I know. Worse yet, I haven't read the whole series! It lacks Kennedy, "Puppy" as we called him, who is obviously Horatio's one true love (his wife, both in the movies and the books, definitely does not count). We loved Puppy and Matthews, and Mr. Busch definitely warmed our hearts, too. Horatio always tore us with that protagnostic mix of honor, valor, dorkness, hotness, and "omg, lighten up, dude"-ness.

When I met Mike, I tried hard to get him into the books and movies, and it took a few years before he dipped into the books and he's only now getting into the movies.

But tonight I found this old site that had sent the girls and I rolling and definitely influenced some of our commentary when we watched.

Two Evil Monks has a great captioned synopsis of each episode/movie, and I can't wait to get home from my Sunday stint on the reference desk to show it to him! He will probably give me the "wife, you so crazy" look, but if it makes him smile, I will be satisfied.

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